What may be causing my psoriasis?

Here, I will briefly address each way for your body becomes toxic which eventually leads to psoriasis.

To understand this then it’s worth knowing that there’s three main ways toxins can enter the bodys cells which is what causes all the problems.

Toxins from the gut bacteria permeating through the gut wall. 2. Breathing in toxins, like smoke and paint fumes. 3. Consuming toxins, like alcohol and processed food with additives and colouring.

  1. Toxins from the gut bacteria permeating through the gut wall.

The surface area of the gut when fully spread out is the size of a badminton court, in some areas the wall is just one single cell thick so there must be a fresh regular supply of blood flowing throughout to pick up the digestive juices and toxins that have come in from what you eat. Without this constant flow of blood certain areas will start to get damaged by the concentration of undigested toxins. In a relaxed person these juices get collected up and then filtered by the liver to extract the toxins from the nutrients. It’s what happens to these toxins next that’s important.

The way waste products exit our bodies is very much misunderstood. Scientists recently calculated that 86% of the unwanted carbon leaves through our breath in the form of carbon dioxide. What you digestive system absorbs comes in through the mouth and goes out through the mouth too. What you don’t absorb gets left for the bacteria in your colon to eat. The excess bacteria leaves the body when we poop.

Poop, on the other hand or in clinical terms excretion is mostly made up of dead bacteria and water, and in a healthy gut up to 70% of poop is bacteria. At any one point in time you may have as much as 2-3kgs of bacteria living in you or on you. We have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria, it’s useful because we feed them and they help to produce around 20% of our vitamins and chemicals for the body to stay healthy. They also act as a line of defence to ward off pathogens and protect us from viruses. However, when bacteria die, they give of a lot of toxins, called endotoxins and when we have a lot of a single strain of bacteria that goes bad then it can be problematic.

Especially for anyone who easily gets stresses because the stress response diverts the normal blood flow away from the gut leaving endotoxins to build up and leak through the gut wall, causing inflammation. This has been termed ‘leaky gut syndrome’ but it isn’t a problem unless the person is chronically stressed, which is often seen in anxious or depressed folks.

  1. Fumes, voluntary and involuntary breathing toxins.

Writer and researcher James Nestor, in his excellent book says the nose has evolved a set of complex chambers and filters so that when you breathe in this way, you’ll benefit by increasing the amount of oxygen absorbed, the air will be filtered and it’s also about 20% more stressful when you mouth breathe. He recommends only breathing through the nose and not mouth breathing.

The Latin word for smoking is fumigans, French is fumeuse or fumeur for men and Portugese is fumar. Inhaling harmful smoke can inflame your lungs and airway, causing them to swell and block oxygen. Smoke is the biggest killer in domestic fires. If you’re involuntary breathing in toxins from solvents or smoke then you’re blocking the very means to rid yourself from most of the cells toxic waste. However, if you’re hopelessly addicted to smoking it’s likely that you’re nutrient deficient as smoking is often a substitute food carvings. Either way smoke will shorten your life and you will seriously regret it as you get older.

  1. Eating processed food.

Imagine taking the food you eat and extracting all the added chemicals, the E numbers, the colourings and stuff they add to processed food and pouring it into a jar, then imagine rubbing it into your own eyes. Why eyes? Well because eyes are very sensitive, just like the thin sensitive lining of the gut wall. Everything you ever eat means those chemicals permeate through that gut wall and it’s no surprise it causes inflammation. The medical remedy for this is to suppress the inflammation using steroids. It’s a genius cunning plan because palliative care for inflammation keeps the businesses of possessed food production and steroid drugs running forever.

On top of that, it’s worth remembering there’s nothing in this world that wants to be eaten, with the exception of fruit but even then, only after the plant has decided that its seeds are ready will it load up the flesh with goodness. Unripe fruit is toxic, this is why it tastes bitter and the myth that it ripens at home is just nonsense, once picked the fruit will only decay, and get softer as the bacteria break it down, it can’t ever get riper once it’s been picked, another marketing lie to add to the list. Animals don’t want to get eaten either, this is why they’ll run away, hide, bite, spit, scratch or camouflage themselves to avoid being eaten. However, plants can’t run away, so plants defence has to be something far more sinister.

Plants make themselves poisonous, you can tell this by tasing them, if they’re bitter it’s because you’ve evolved to reject toxic food, if it’s sour then it’s fermenting which means the bacteria got to the food first, which isn’t so bad because that’s what probiotics foods are. Incidentally, the easiest way to feed gut bacteria is simply to also eat the skin of the fruit you consume. Most plants with the exception of some of the modern varieties need to be cooked or baked to take the bitter taste of the poison away.

The level of poison a plant makes can be permanent or reactive depending how and when they’re under attack. Plants don’t want you to eat their seeds either, that’s why they taste bitter, neither do pulses or nuts. A handful of unprocessed raw cashews or red kidney beans are enough to kill a man.

So we need to process (cook) a lot of our vegetables to get the toxins out. This will make them safer but it can also remove a lot of the goodness too. Whereas meat from the farmed animals we eat has had the toxins filtered out making it less likely to cause inflammation in the gut.

What’s all this got to do with psoriasis?

If the body cannot rid itself quickly enough of the excess carbon by breathing it out, and the gut is full of toxic bacteria leaking and causing inflammation every time you get stressed then the body has one last option, which is to over produce skin cells on the epidermis, in cases of psoriasis this over production runs up to seven (7) times faster.

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